Definition and nature of the personal data

During your use of our Site, we may ask you to provide us with personal data about you.

The term « personal data » means any data that identifies an individual, including, in particular, your name and first name, pseudonym, picture, postal and email addresses, phone numbers, date of birth, data regarding your transactions on the site, details of your purchases and subscriptions, payment card numbers, and any other information you choose to provide us with.

Purpose of this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is intended to inform you about the means we implement to collect your personal data in the strictest respect of your rights.

On this subject, we inform you that, regarding the collection and management of your personal data, we comply with the Act n° 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Information Technology, Data Files and Civil Liberties, in its current version.

Identity of the data collection manager

The T1C company is responsible for the collection of your personal data.

Personal data collection

Your personal data is collected to satisfy one or more of the following purposes:
  1. To manage your access to certain services available on the site and their use,
  2. To carry out the client management actions regarding the contracts, the orders, the deliveries, the invoices, the loyalty programs, the client relationship management,
  3. To establish a file of registered members, clients and prospects,
  4. To send newsletters and promotional solicitations and messages. If you consider these to be undesirable, we give you the possibility to express your refusal during your data collection,
  5. To produce commercial and visitor statistics of our services,
  6. To organize contests, loteries and any promotional operation, excluding online gambling and games of chance subject to the authorization of the Regulatory Authority of the Online Games,
  7. To deal with the management of the people’s opinions on products, services or contents,
  8. To comply with our legal and regulatory obligations.
We inform you when collecting your personal data, if certain data are mandatory or optional. We also indicate what are the possible consequences of the lack of a data.

Recipients of the collected data

Our company’s staff, the departments in charge of the inspection (including external auditors) and our subcontractors will have access to your personal data.

Can also be recipients of your personal data public agencies, exclusively to meet our legal obligations, judicial assistants, ministerial officials and debt collection agencies.

Transfer of the personal data

Your personal data will not be subject to transfers, rental or exchange to the advantage of third parties.

Personal data retention

  1. Regarding customer and prospect management data :

    Your personal data will not be kept beyond the time strictly necessary to the management of our commercial relationship with you. However, the data that can establish the proof of a right or a contract, are to be retained in compliance with a legal obligation and will be for the time defined by the applicable law.

    Regarding potential client development actions, their data may be retained for a period of three years from the end of the commercial relationship.

    The personal data relating to a prospect, non-client, may be retained for a period of three years from their collection or the last contact from the prospect.

    After this period of three years, we may contact you to know if you wish to continue to receive commercial solicitations.
  2. Regarding payment card data:

    Financial transactions relating to the payment of purchases and fees via the website, are entrusted to a payment service provider which ensures their smooth running and security. For the needs of the services, the payment service provider may be recipient of your personal data regarding your payment card numbers, which he collects and retains in our name and on our behalf.

    We have no access to this data.

    To allow you to make regular purchases or settle the fees pertaining to the site, your payment card data are kept for the time of your registration on the site and, at the very least, until you make your last transaction.

    By checking the box specifically provided on the site, you give us your express consent for this retention.

    The data relating to the card security code (CSC) or CVV2, written on your credit card, are not stored.

    If you do not want your personal data regarding your payment card numbers to be stored under the conditions specified above, we will not keep the data beyond the time necessary for the completion of the transaction.

    In any event, these data may be retained, for the purpose of establishing a proof in case of the dispute of a transaction, as an intermediate archive, for the time defined by the article L 133-24 of the Monetary and Financial Code, i.e. 13 months from the date of the debit. This period may be extended to 15 months to consider the possibility of using credit cards (with deferred debit).
  3. Regarding the audience measurement statistics:

    The information stored in the user terminal or any other item used to identify users and to allow their traceability or visits will not be retained beyond 6 months.


We inform you that we take every necessary precaution and appropriate technical and organizational measures to safeguard the security, integrity and confidentiality of your personal data, and, also, to prevent them from being altered, damaged or accessed by unauthorized third parties. We use or may also use secure payment systems in accordance with the latest developments and the applicable regulations.


Cookies are text files, often encrypted, stored in your browser. They are created when a user’s browser loads a given website: the site sends information to the browser, which then create a text file. Each time the user returns to the same site, the browser retrieves this file and sends it to the server’s website.

We can distinguish two types of cookies, which do not have the same purposes: technical cookies and advertising cookies:
  • Technical cookies are used throughout your navigation, in order to facilitate it and to perform certain functions. A technical cookie can, for example, be used to store the information filled in a form or the user preferences regarding the language or the appearance of a website, if such options are available.
  • Advertising cookies can be created not only by the website on which the user navigates, but also by other websites displaying advertisements, commercials, widgets or any other elements on the page displayed. These cookies can especially be used for targeted advertising, i.e. advertising determined by the user navigation.

We use technical cookies. These are stored in your browser for a period that can not exceed six months.

We do not use advertising cookies. However, if we were to use them in the future, we would notify you in advance and you would have the possibility, if need be, to disable these cookies.

We use or may use Google Analytics which is a statistical tool for audience analysis that generates a cookie to measure the number of visits of the site, the number of pageviews and the visitor activity. Your IP address is also collected to determine the city from which you connect. The cookie retention period is mentioned in Article 7 (v) of this Privacy Policy.

We remind you that, for all practical purposes, you can object to the cookies storage by configuring your browser. Such a refusal could, however, affect the proper functioning of the site.


When you choose to share your personal data, you expressly give your consent to their collection and use, in accordance with what is stated in this Privacy Policy and the applicable legislation.

Access to your personal data

In accordance with the Act n° 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Information Technology, Data File and Civil Liberties, you have the right to obtain the communication and, if necessary, the correction or deletion of your personal data, through an online access to your account. You can also contact: - E-mail address: It is reminded that any person may, for legitimate reasons, oppose the processing of the data concerning him.


We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify at any time this Privacy Policy, in whole or in part. These changes will take effect after the publication of the new Privacy Policy. Your use of the site after the alterations come into effect will be worth acknowledgement and acceptance of the new Privacy Policy. If not, and if the new charter does not suit you, you should not access the site.

Effective date

This Privacy Policy comes into effect on 05/07/2015.